Tuesday 17 April 2007

Ten minutes of Fame

Why is it that people 10 minutes of fame seems to be getting longer? Is it my imagination or do some so called 'Celebrities' linger in our lives longer?? Why is it that reality TV contestants seem to make a living from a one off TV appearance? Is it the fault of the media for prolonging their time in the spot light or are we just running out of interesting people to look at???


Anonymous said...

This is a deep one!Some Celebs do linger longer and yes to some extent that could be seen as the fault of the media, but they only publish what people want to read ...

Anonymous said...

Surely it must be the fault of the media. If no stories were written about these so called "celebrities", people's awareness of them would go down.
I agree with Becca, that media provides due to public demand - but I wonder who this "public" is - certainly not me!